30 Weeks!!!

Same day, different shirt.

So, here I am. Getting bigger by the day. Doctor says my baby seems healthy, I am measuring right on track, and my weight gain is right where it shold be. I feel like venting... I know I am not huge or anything, and I know I am
supposed to be gaining weight, but it still stings every time I see myself gaining like a pound a day. Two days ago in the morning I was one weight, then this morning I had gained two pounds from that day! It just so hard/annoying to watch the numbers on the scale go up and up and up! Maybe part of it is because I know I have gained in other places rather than my belly (ie: love handles and legs... particularly my soft thighs, etc.) and I haven't done anything to prevent that. Another part is probably due to the fact that the past few days I have had to have Nate help me put on my boots because it hurts too much to bend over and try to do it myself. That was a lesson of humility and Nate is just loving every moment of it. I'll just have to work extra hard to be back in shape after my little one comes. I don't want anyone to think I am unhappy with the way I look, I think I look just fine and I know weight gain is normal and healthy and I really do feel great, but it's just watching the numbers rise that tends to throw me off. Does anyone else ever feel this way when they are pregnant? Anyway, that will be the end of my soap box. Sorry for the vent. Hope everyone is doing well!
Just so you know, you look adorable! I WISH I looked half as cute prego. If you want to see a photo that will make you feel better, look at my anniversary post, I put a photo of myself 8 month prego and I was HUGE! I gained 65 lbs with BOTH of my kids - and I really did try to eat healthy and exercise. However, taking care of a baby is work, so it seems to come off pretty easily. Don't stress, I think everyone feels that way prego, but I really mean it, you look amazing!
you look great! I'm five weeks behind you and my belly is the same size as yours! I totally understand about the weight gain! I know we are supposed to, but after all these years of not allowed to gain weight and now we have to is hard! i was working out, but now i just take long walks with james at night instead...some kind of excercise!
I know what you mean-- I was just there! It would be hard to go into the doctor and find out how much you gained that month, and for me, it was usually more than other people did. Don't worry, it will come off. All of the sudden you'll loose 10 lbs in one week, then you'll feel great! After awhile, you stop loosing naturally and have to start working for it (which is where I am right now, and I've never had to do so before), but it does come off. You really look AWESOME. Have you tried prenatal yoga? It helped me stay somewhat toned and more flexible (which may help with the shoes, but that's just part of it.) I just bought a DVD of it and found it helped a lot,especially when I had such an incredible delivery. Just a thought!
Oh Kelly- You look so cute! Can you believe how fast it goes? You'll be back to your normal self in no time. I know how you feel about feeling out of control with your body changing though. It's so weird and kinda scary but SO worth it!
You look beautiful.
Thanks guys! I never have been one to worry or freak out about weight, it's just different gaining so quickly and have it be completely out of your control! Thanks for your comments!
You look great. That was the one time in my life when I was SO exciting to be gaining weight. It meant we were getting closer.
As for losing the weight afterwards, it really does melt off while nursing. Seriously.
Kelly-you look so dang cute pregnant! I can only hope that when one day I'm pregnant, I will look as good!
yes EVERYONE else feels that way when they are pregnant...trust me, I DEFINITELY did. Hey, I gained 45lbs. during my pregnancy (I don't know how but I did) even with barfing everyday for 9 months, so that is awesome that you are in the normal "right on track" range, and just remember that it is all for a good reason and you will totally feel that your little baby was worth it all!
I know how you feel, I watch my scale to do the same thing to me every morning!!
But you look great! I saw you the other day and I would never be able to tell you are at 30 weeks already! You are so tiny! And Brooke is right, once you start nursing all your weight will disappear!
Honestly, you look like the ideal pregnant woman. It is all tummy. I can't wait to see you in person next week at your shower!!
Also, do you have your mom's email address? She wants to access my blog but I don't have her address to invite her. Email me at mrsbrittanyrobertson@yahoo.com if you have a chance! Thanks!
You are too cute you know that1 You really are not showing that much. i am jealous! :) (or i will be when i am at that point!) sorry i havent got your the pictures yet, my camera is broken! so i will get one asap!
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