Our new little family!

This one was actually taken right before...

Well... we did it! Lyla Elizabeth Wright was born on December 5, 2008 at 1:47pm. As I woke up to my alarm this morning at 6:45 I had my first contraction. I tried going back to sleep but had about 2 more within 15 minutes or so. So I decided to get showered for the day while I could (just in case they were to get worse). Then Nate had work and I wanted to go in to turn in my badge since it would be my last day. At that point my contractions were about 7-8 minutes apart. Then when we got to work they suddenly were 2-3 minutes apart! So I kept e-mailing Nate to tell him that he needed to forget about work and take me to the hospital. About 30 minutes later, he finally came down and got me. We went home to pack really quick (as it was on the way) and we hurried on over to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital I told them that I was in labor. They took me back and I had to stop in the middle of going to my room because I was having a really strong contraction and a bunch of nurses kept asking me what number child I was having. As I told them that this was my first, they kind of gave me a look as if they were saying "uh huh, sure you're in labor!" So they finally checked me and saw that I was almost dilated to a 5 and they decided to go ahead and admit me! To make a long story short, I progressed quite quickly. I got my epidural almost immediately and I am very happy with my decision to get one because after it kicked in I had hardly felt a thing! The doctor had thought I wouldn't deliver until the evening but when he checked me, I was completely dilated and all ready to start pushing. They then thought it would take about 2 hours to push, but I only ended up having to push for about 30 minutes (during which they had me stop pushing because the doctor wasn't there yet).
Finally when she was mostly out, they saw that her umbilical chord was wrapped around her neck 3 times so they quickly cut the cord to unwrap her. They then pulled her out and took her to make sure she was okay. She has a little head full of dark hair which completely took us both by surprise. When they took her for testing she let out a little short and random high pitched scream and then she stopped. So they jostled her around and BOY OH BOY she has quite a set of lungs!! She was just screaming! All the doctors and nurses in the room were cracking up because they had never heard a baby cry like that! She ended up weighing 7lbs 4oz, and was 19.5 inches long. Her club feet are just as we expected. We haven't talked to a pediatrician about them but her right foot is turned inward at a 90 degree angle and the left is at about a 45 degree angle, so it hardly looks clubbed. Anyway, she is doing really well. So far we know that she hates the cold and is just as stubborn as her mother.
We are so excited to have this new addition to our family. We love her so much and she keeps getting cuter and cuter every moment.
YAY! I'm the first to comment! Congrats girl! I'm soooooo glad everythig went well! We miss you guys! Will you be in Utah for Christmas or elsewhere?
I know I've already told you, but congratulations again! I just can't believe it, I'm so excited to have a baby of my own! :) I noticed your count down says 7 days. I bet you're glad you don't have seven days left any more. :) I love the pictures, Lyla is so cute, and you still look really good for having a baby. I hope I'm as lucky as you!
congrats!!!! So glad everything went well.
Wow! Fast labor...so lucky! Well, I guess you were dilating for a while, though: ) So good that you didn't have to be induced. Pitocin sucks! I love the name! So pretty for a pretty baby! Congrats, you two!!
Yippee! Congratulations! Lyla (name and baby) is darling!
I am so happy for you. She is so cute. Congrats!
she is darling! and i love the name. she looks a lot like you, kelly. so glad everything went well.
Congrats on the baby! That is so exciting and I am glad that everything turned out great.
Congrats! You did it! She is beautiful! You will be a darling little mommy to that precious girl!
Again, congrats! I'm so excited for you guys. Those little ones change everything in so many good ways. When you get the time let me know what your plans are for Christmas because I really want to see Lyla in person.
Lyla is such a sweet baby! Thanks for letting me hold her so much. :) you guys are amazing. I hope my labor/delivery goes even a portion as smooth as yours did! Congrats!
Kelly! She is so Cute! Congratulations! I love the name you guys chose! Hope everything is going well!
Congratulations you guys! We're so so happy for you and happy mom and baby are healthy and doing well. Keep posting pictures of the little cutie!
SO SO SO CUTE! Congrats you two! I think she look so much like nate! HA and girl you are inspiration i hope i look half as good as you do after yo uhave the baby!!! =) You definitely are glowing!! Love you! PS ryan says congrats too!
Congratulations you guys! She is a cute cute baby!!
CONGRATS!!! I'm so thrilled for you guys. Dec. 5th is my oldest boys' birthday too...=) You look amazing Kelly and your little girl is adorable. Well done you two. =)
I am so glad that you guys are doing well! Congratulations you guys, I know I havent seen you in forever but I am so happy for you! I cant believe I have girlfriends who are pregnant and having babies! Well I hope all goes well with her little feet. Love you guys!
CONGRATULATIONS!I am so happy that everything went well and that you were able to deliver on your on (as apposed to being induced). She's darling! Again, congratulations!
congrats! she is gorgeous! I was just thinking this morning when I was getting ready that you were going to be going in to be induced, but I'm glad she came on her own and it doesn't sound like the whole process was too hard! i can't wait to see more pics of her!
Congrats! Well done, Kelly! Lyla is a doll!! I think she looks like you! I'm really happy for you guys. I'm glad all went well!!
She's beautiful, congratulations!
Congratulations you two! Wow,sounds like everything went really well for you...that's great! I bet you are so happy to have your beautiful little daughter here...and what a beautiful name too. We look forward to more pictures! Good luck with parenting! you will be great
Yeah for the baby finally being born. She is such a cutie and I love her name! Treasure every second - they grow so darn fast. I hope you have a speedy, speedy recovery!
-Laurie Ann Thomas
That is so great it went so well she is beautiful! Congrats
I want to see some NEW pictures of Lyla. They change a ton from those first newborn pictures.
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