Monday, June 13, 2011

While I was in the shower...

Lyla LOVES photo booth on our Mac and every time I am on it, she points to the icon and asks... no... BEGS me to pull it up. Typically we will take pictures, make funny faces, make video's, etc.
So, the other day after my shower, I came out into the living area and saw that photo booth was pulled up and I quickly realized that she had finally figured out how to open up the application all by herself! I was pretty impressed.
What I was even MORE impressed with was when I came home from vacation last night and the application was up and I saw this picture...

She must have also figured out how to take a picture of herself. I love this girl!


Mrs. Hornberger said...

Owen loves it too! hes OBSESSED!

Candace said...


Jeff and Kira said...

haha Very impressive!! She is so cute!