I love my daughter. I always knew I would love my children but I never knew how much I would love them. But since I only have one child at the time, I will just say... I love Lyla! Being a mom is one of the most incredible privileges in the world and the feelings that accompany it are indescribable. The amount of love I have for Lyla is just... ahh! I would do anything for this little girl. I love...
- sitting and watching her as she lays on the ground on a blanket and just kicks her legs with her braces on... it looks like she is snowboarding and it is awesome. And she loves it too! She'll just sit there for an hour straight, pumping her legs like it will be her last time so she is getting in as much exercise as she can!
- giving her baths. We don't have a baby bath yet so we just hop in the bath tub with her and hold her while we bathe her. She just stares at whoever is bathing her with this nervous look... not knowing whether or not she should be scared or smiling. I also love when we pour some water over her face to wash the soap off... she will just close her eyes, tighten her body, and fling her arms all over the place as if she is falling off a cliff. It is the cutest thing. So we try to talk to her to let her know that we're there and that she will be just fine and that just seems to calm her right down.

Anyway, I guess I could go on FOREVER with all the things I love. These are all things that most babies probably do, but for some reason I am just fascinated with it all. I just love her and sometimes I find myself almost in tears because I am so overwhelmed with the joy she brings to my life. I love being a mom.
This was so nice to read! Lyla is adorable and you're such a great mom! I can't wait till its my turn and this post got me all excited about it all over again! :)
What a sweet post! Isn't it amazing how our little ones fill us up with so much love we never knew before. You are such a cute mom. Lyla is a little doll!
It's hard NOT to love everything about your own child. It is amazing because with each stage you continue to find things you absolutely love and want to remember about your child. And as they get older and older it just gets better.
How's Heather doing?
you are such a cute mom and lyla is getting more beautiful by the day. glad you guys are doing so well. (and thanks for that awesome coupon! i'm excited about it.)
Kelly, you're a great mom...do you remember how I told you that you could sit and stare at her for hours on end and not get tired...i told the truth, didn't I...? She is such a cute little girl. I hope you and Nate are doing well in Chicago....take care!
So cute, I can't wait to have a baby.
Listen Kelly, I love my niece as well, but it is going to take a lot more than this to get me to have one for myself. Nice try
this was such a cute post. it's so funny because i almost want to copy and paste it to my blog cuz i feel so many of the same feelings, and you put it so beautifully! also, it sounds like Lyla and Maddie have some major similarities! she loves her fist too. anyway, being a mommy is the best!
She is a doll!!!
She is getting so big!
kelly you make me so excited to have a baby!!! Last night I had a dream that kaden was 6 months and we were just laughing and couldn't stop laughing together! It made me so so so excited to have him come!! =) You will have to give some tips when the little guy gets here. I am so glad yo uare enjoying motherhood! what a gift! =)
That is the sweetest post, Kelly! I'm so happy for you :-)
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