Monday, September 20, 2010

FHE and Gratitude

I have this awesome sign hanging in my house that my friend, Erin, made (she is an awesome crafter!). You can check out her craft blog here. I love this sign. It's cute, a great size, and it just goes really well with almost any sort of decoration. But I wanted to make the sign and its phrases a little more "meaningful" in our home so it wasn't just a piece of decoration. So, we have been structuring our FHE's around each phrase. And I'll be honest, it's helped us be a little more consistent with actually having FHE, too! So it's a BIG blessing in our home. Thanks Erin!

Anyway, so tonight we were on the phrase "Always Be Grateful". Nate gave a really great lesson. We usually do a small lesson for Lyla (whose attention span is about 30 seconds) and we practiced saying "Thank you". Then Nate proceeded to give me a lesson and while doing so, Lyla went and grabbed a book and came and sat on my lap. So as Nate was talking, Lyla was flipping the pages in her book and saying "Thank you" with each page turned. It was really cute :)

Anyway, I was in charge of the activity and I decided we should draw pictures of something we're grateful for.

Nate's... Please note the commentary next to the drawing of me explaining my rainbow sandals (that I wear every day) and my hair color. He cracks me up!

Lately, all Lyla has wanted to eat is popsicles (yes, I realize I spelled it wrong on her paper). I got them originally when she had Hand, Foot, and Mouth because it was one of the only things that made her feel better, but now she wants them all the time! So I'm trying to make her see that popsicles are a privilege or a reward and not food. Today was a rough day discipline wise and despite my warnings she refused to take her dinner plate and throw it in the trash. So, she had to give up her popsicle for dessert. I know, I'm a mean mom.

Anyway, Lyla is grateful for popsicles.

And here's mine. I'm definitely no artist. And obviously Lyla wasn't too impressed with my skills either since she made some improvements on mine :)

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